The Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – November 16th, 2020 Show Notes


Hey there Questers and welcome back! This is Monday, November 16th and this is episode 226. We have a #MoneyMonday quote for you today from one of our founding fathers, and you’re gonna love it! Benjamin Franklin says, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”


Well, Franklin was a leading writer, printer, political philosopher, politician freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorous, civic activist statesman and diplomat and so much more. So anytime we get to bring some advice to you from Mr. Franklin we always enjoy it and today’s is not only really practical but also really important!


Dare we say Benny Frankie dropping some knowledge on you here and if you are listening to this podcast right now (just before we get into this) Hey, guys! Way to go! You are making an investment in your knowledge right now! Sometimes it’s a time investment, sometimes it’s a money investment but if you’re John Maxwell or Joseph McClendon or Rachel Hollis or Marie Forleo (pretty much all the successful people that we study) they talk with reminiscence about their first big personal growth and development purchase.


I almost envy those who haven’t made their first big purchase or investment into personal growth and development because there’s something so special about some of those first moments of having the veil lifted and understanding how much control you have over your own thoughts, your own actions and your own outcomes. And this is really what this quote is getting at here is that it does take an investment to get that kind of knowledge, and it takes an investment – yes, usually money. But the harder investment to make for most of us is this time investment. The dedication of uninterrupted attention and intention and time to gain knowledge you know you’re going to get out what you put in, and if you put in your full attention and your full intention then you will get out so much more than haphazardly listening or haphazardly taking notes. But this kind of knowledge really will compound over time which of course is the whole point of this quote!


Now, before you let your, “Yeah, yeah” energy take you away, like, “I get it ladies, but if I spend a hundred dollars on a program today and then have to spend the two hours-worth of time going through that program or the eight hours- worth of time going through that program that’s hundreds of dollars that I’ve now lost!” Well, think about it this way: if you put that hundred dollars into an investment account today and you left it alone for about 50 years you’d probably see a few thousand dollars return over time if you did absolutely nothing and just let it be for 50 years that would compound that interest over time. But if you were to put that hundred dollars and maybe eight hours of time into a program that then gives you a one million dollar idea which one pays a larger dividend over time…


Obviously the million dollar idea! Oh my gosh, well, it can be easy to discount making that initial investment especially because it feels like oftentimes investing in something like knowledge isn’t necessarily one of those “must-haves” or those necessities of life or something that you know if you don’t learn today you’re not going to starve tonight. But over time your mindset can erode or you can get rigid in your belief systems and then it makes it even harder – and so you pour knowledge on top of a rigid belief system and it’s harder to seep through. So the earlier that you can get started on making this investment the more that knowledge will pay out for us. But sometimes making it a priority is the hardest part.


Now, there is something that Benny Frankie does not mention here and that is what many of us can fall into which is the knowledge trap where we begin to only gain knowledge without taking action. Now, while yes an investment in knowledge will pay the best interest that you can find and investment in applied knowledge will take you even further.


Oh, I like that investment in applied knowledge! Okay well, just to remind you what Benny Frankie told us here in episode 226, on Monday, November 16th…He reminds us that, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”


Alrighty gang that means today is a Money Monday quest! Today, quest your best to make an investment toward your own knowledge! Maybe you’re just going to go and buy a book, or maybe you’re going to attend an online conference like Shila and I will be doing this coming weekend at the Tony Robbins (virtual) Unleash the Power Within. Or maybe you’re ready to take the big leap and join a certification like the John Maxwell Team…Wherever you’re at we encourage you to gain your knowledge. Are you ready?

Kay and Shi:

Let’s quest!

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