A Daily Scroll: A Mentorship Recap – December 31st, 2021 – Show Notes


Hello, Questers, and welcome to a very special episode of the Mentorship Quest. It is New Year’s Eve, the final day of 2021. This is episode 500, and it is the final episode of the Mentorship Quest as we know it.


Or I guess you mean it’s the final episode ba-do-do-do, ba-do-do-do-do. Precisely, the final countdown is over, and the final episode is here, and it seems so fitting that our episode number 500 would land on the last day of 2021. We started this podcast on January 1st, 2020, and we close it on December 31st, 2021, with 500 episodes. That’s 500 quotes, that’s 500 five-minute episodes, that’s 500 opportunities to grow a little and to quest alongside us. For so many of you who have been along on the ride this long, we’re so grateful for you.


Thank you so much for being with us in this time. I mean, that’s, let’s see, 500 times five. In total you’ve been with us for 2,500 minutes. You’ve spent a total of 41 1/2 hours with us here for our loyal listeners of the Mentorship Quest, and we are just so grateful to you and everything that you’ve given us. Now, podcasting from Kay and Shi’s realm is not going away. We will continue forward in a new format, but we have just some memory lane walking to do today, some quotes to share with you, of course, because it is still the Mentorship Quest. And we’ll get started out with today’s first quote, which is from Charles Dickens and he says, “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again.”


Well, we respect and love Charles Dickens and his storytelling and respect and love this advice and quote as well. It is painful to part. There’s that nostalgia piece if you’ve ever moved… Hello, we know all of you have. You know, there’s that final day as you’re leaving, even if you hated where you live. There’s that final moment where you look around and you think of all the memories that you’ve created there and the moments that you’ve had there and just the fact that you’ve lived life there. There’s that moment of nostalgia. Now, the good news is we have not hated living here at the Mentorship Quest. We have absolutely loved it, which makes that pain even greater. The pain of parting is hard to part. There have been 500 episodes. Many of you have let us know that this has had an impact on you. We’re so grateful for that. But looking to that future, knowing that there’s the joy of meeting again in a new way is so promising and so energizing for us and we really look forward to it. So, an eloquent and elegant, beautiful quote from Charles Dickens, but we also have another quote for you that’s a little more Kay and Shi style.


Well, this quote is from one of our favorite shared books and movies “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. So, affectionately, we say unto thee, “So long, and thanks for all the fish.”


Now, if you’ve never seen the movie or read the books, that might not make any sense, but we’ll just tell you it is a great line. It is, without giving too many spoilers what the dolphins say to humanity before they leave the planet. They fly away. It turns out the dolphins have been the smartest animals on our planet and were doing experiments and watching us, but we had no idea. So, their final message is, “So long, and thanks for all the fish.” It’s kind of become that cult lore of Hitchhiker’s Guide. So, we share it with you now in loving jest. So long and farewell and thanks for all the fish. Thanks for all the memories. Thanks for all the quotes. Thanks for all the times you tuned in where you heard us share our anecdotes, where you forgave us as we stumbled over words, as you listened and nodded along, as you hopefully participated in at least some of the quests. Thanks for all that metaphorical fish, we’re so grateful.


Well, looking back on this wonderful journey that we’ve had over the last 500 episodes and two full years of being with all of you, we have a couple of things we want to share with you. Now, one of them that’s so fun is because you heard us reference this probably a million times in the last 500 episodes. Our very first episode was a quote by Mr. John Maxwell. It was a two-worder, and I bet you guys know where we’re going with this if you are a longtime Mentorship Quest listener, but that quote is, “Consistency Compounds.”


One of our favorite key concepts. John Maxwell, one of our favorite key mentors. When asked if you could just give shortcut advice to life, what would it be, and he said, “It’s two words. Its consistency compounds.” This concept is everywhere in success books and personal development material and growth and self-help stuff. This idea that what you do consistently becomes who you are, becomes your results, turns into the habits that then create your life and your personality. “Consistency compounds.” It’s almost mechanical and yet it’s one of the most inspiring things we’ve ever heard.


It really is, and it helps us to achieve incredible things much like the episode download count here on the Mentorship Quest. Now, we have laughed seeing our times go up and down in regard to podcasts, but you guys, the Mentorship Quest has hit over 20,000 downloads in its 500 episodes and we could not be more grateful for that 20,000 number Incredible to see so many people jumping in, listening to these messages and the consistency is compounded because when we started it certainly wasn’t at this level. It took us time to grow this over the years and we’re so proud of what is now 20,000 downloads on the Mentorship Quest. So, thank you everyone for being a part of that consistency compounding for us.


Some fun callouts. Our actually most downloaded episode was early on in the Mentorship Quest saga, episode 24. It’s a Dolly Parton quote about working nine to five. For whatever reason, that podcast was downloaded 122 times. We don’t always know why some of them catch a little bit of fire, but it’s always fun to see when they do, and we celebrate episode 24 as our most downloaded podcast.


Our second most downloaded podcast actually happened kind of recently, and we were glad to see episode 462. It was a Mel Robbins quote, and it’s titled “No One’s Coming.” That was really the message. You’ve got to stand up for yourself. We had 110 downloads on that particular episode. So, thank you all so much for your support and for what this has meant to our community and to us as a couple of sisters. Now, the Mentorship Quest will move forward. It’ll be something different. It’ll likely be called something different. It’ll be in a new format, but we are so thrilled for what the future holds here in the Mentorship Quest. So, Shi, in a review of our quotes today, we have, “The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again,” by Charles Dickens and of course, from “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “Friends so long, and thanks for all the fish.”


Well, I guess that brings you to your final quest here on episode 500 of the Mentorship Quest, and today it is a simple one for you because it is New Year’s Eve. We hope that you will endeavor to have a wonderful final evening of 2021 and set your sites on 2022 in a positive way. Hopefully made even more positive by all the mentorship you’ve received here on the quest grounds. Then second, we hope that for us you will stay tuned because there is more to come from Kay and Shi, and we are so grateful to the many of you who are part of this close group. We consider you part of the sisterhood, the siblinghood, and we’re so grateful for you and until then. Are you ready?


Let’s quest!

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